Devarim (Deuteronomy) 6:7

Limud, or Learning, is one of Temple Beth Torah’s most cherished Jewish values.  We believe that exploring our Jewish heritage and spirituality is a life-long journey and, therefore, we provide educational programs for congregants of all ages – from our tiniest tots to our wisest seniors. Our educational programs include:

Torah Tots

Art and music program for children ages 2 through 5 years and their families.

Torah Dor L’Dor
(Torah Generation to Generation)

Religious school for grades Kindergarten through High School.

B-Mitzvah Program

Multi-year preparation program for becoming a B-Mitzvah (also known as Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah) around the age of 13.

Lifelong Jewish Learning

Adult education programs offered throughout the year. Religious school for grades Kindergarten through High School.

Religious School

Torah Dor L’Dor (Torah Generation to Generation), Temple Beth Torah’s Religious School, provides a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment for Jewish students in Kindergarten through Grade 10 to learn the customs, traditions, and history of Judaism. Our teachers are committed to providing a Jewish education tailored to meet the needs of each student while simultaneously fostering the strengthening and growth of our community. TBT students are considered valuable members of the TBT family and a key component of our synagogue’s vibrant and diverse spirit.

Our amazing staff bring fun and engaging Jewish education to the next generation of the Jewish community through our student-focused curriculum. Teachers tailor classes to meet the needs of all our students by building activities and assignments that meet student learning preferences and adapt to learning challenges. Our in-house experts in all aspects of Judaic and Hebrew Studies as well as special education provide regular advice and solutions to our teachers to make our program successful for all our students.

through Third Grade

Fourth through Seventh Grade

Eighth through Ninth Grade



Registration for Torah Dor L’Dor is open year round to welcome new students at any time of the school year. All student families are required to become members of Temple Beth Torah in addition to paying the fees associated with the religious school.

Religious school registration forms can be found below. Additional details may be discussed by contacting our Religious School Director:

Membership application forms can be found below. To learn more about membership, please visit our JOIN page or email our Membership Coordinator:

Offered every few years, this introductory class teaches adults to recognize the Hebrew Alephbet and begin to read simple words often found in blessings or the Shabbat liturgy.

The second in the Hebrew Reading for Adults classes, students continue to work on their reading skills and expand to full prayers found in the Shabbat service.

After completing or showing competence for Hebrew Reading 201, this course teaches students to chant the typical prayers found in our Shabbat services.

This class provides overview and practice in decoding the trope (symbols) that tell us how to chant Torah.

Thinking of converting to Judaism? By clicking on this page, you have taken your first step and Temple Beth Torah is honored to be your home as you explore conversion on your journey to joining the Jewish People.

What does conversion to Judaism involve?

Becoming part of the Jewish People is a slow and introspective process involving study and self-reflection. Through classes and/or private sessions with Rabbi Lauren, you will learn Jewish History, holidays, values, rituals, and what it means to be a Jew. You will also explore your spirituality and connection to Judaism in order to confirm that conversion is the right path for you. You will also be encouraged to practice Jewish holidays and attend as many Shabbat services as possible to truly immerse yourself in Judaism throughout this time of exploration. The process usually takes a minimum of one year to complete.

Following your studies with Rabbi Lauren, when both you and she determine you are ready to convert, you will schedule a conversion ceremony. During this ceremony, in addition to reciting prayers, a beit din (jury of three or more Jewish peers) will convene and ask you pre-determined questions which you will answer. This is not a pop-quiz and you will be fully prepared and confident. After the beit din accepts your responses, Rabbi Lauren will welcome you into the Jewish People and place the Torah in your arms as a physical reminder of your commitment to the Mitzvot (Commandments), the Jewish People, and yourself.

Some conversion students may wish to also visit a local mikveh (ritual bath) to complete this traditional part of the conversion process. While not required, immersing oneself in the natural waters of the mikveh often provides a sense of renewal, rebirth into your new state of being. If you choose this option, Rabbi Lauren will help to schedule it and may attend, if you wish.

How do I start the process?

Please contact Rabbi Lauren at to set up an introductory meeting. During this meeting, Rabbi Lauren will ask you about your desire to convert and the reasoning behind your choice as well as answer any questions about the process you may have.

Do I need to be a Member of Temple Beth Torah?

No, you do not need to be a member of our congregation to convert to Judaism. However, it is customary to provide the synagogue with a donation upon completion of your conversion. It is also appreciated that you participate in congregational life, including bringing food for onegs (snacks after Shabbat services) and volunteering your time to support congregational events.