
Shabbat services represent a time for community, comfort, our personal spirituality, and TBT’s congregational values. Our smart-casual dress and atmosphere create an accepting and less formal, yet always respectful, place for our members and their guests to grow their Jewish or Jew-ish identities.

Prayer is a language that each of us speaks and hears in a different way. When we pray together, we try to find meaning within the chorus of diverse voices. At Temple Beth Torah, we host a variety of services, from our spiritual Shabbat service to the more reverent High Holidays, to the celebratory and fun services marking other holidays, including Hanukkah, Purim, and Passover, and many other festivals, and occasions.

TBT’s services are crafted to be inclusive and welcoming to all people, to make our members of different Jewish backgrounds and our Interfaith members feel at home when attending. Our services are fully egalitarian (men and women participate equally). We believe we have found a healthy balance between the traditional and the creative. We use both traditional and contemporary melodies. People who attend vary from those with Orthodox backgrounds to Jewish by choice.

Friday evening services are normally held two or three times per month during the public school year. If services are held on Friday evenings, they may not be held on Saturday morning, or may be substituted with Havdalah services. We typically do not hold services on public holidays, to accommodate those members that are not in town during those periods.

Oneg Shabbat is an outstanding opportunity to bond with other members of our Congregation. Not only is this a time to mingle with your friends, but it is the perfect occasion to make new friends and get to know other members. Our all-volunteer Chavurah has a more intimate chance to develop these relationships while kibitzing during set-up and clean-up.

While TBT does not maintain a Kosher Kitchen policy, we do practice Kosher Style to respect traditional Jewish laws and customs, our members, and their guests. We do not include food that may make members and attendees uncomfortable.