The Brotherhood is focused on community, much like the rest of Temple Beth Torah.
We serve the congregation, our youth, and aid the general community, providing support to causes that are important to us.
Throughout the year we host social events and provide ushers for Shabbat, B-Mitzvahs, and the High Holidays. The Annual Congregations Picnic, for example, is a great place to mingle with friends, long time members and new members, and enjoy a nice day of food, festivities, and games.
Membership in the Brotherhood is included in your TBT membership, making it easier to jump in and get involved.
Sisterhood at Temple Beth Torah supports our religious school as well as events for social, celebratory, and charitable purposes. We foster relationships, strengthen our community, support those in need, while enjoying and creating joyous traditions.
We support TBT by donating to and sponsoring religious school events and hosting a variety of social opportunities including arts, charity, and local religious events.
Membership in the Sisterhood is already included in your TBT membership. Everyone is a valued and welcome member of our community and we hope to get to know you when you participate with us. We look forward to meeting you!
Annual Congregational Events
Congregational Picnic
This is one of our most fun and well attended events. Each year following the first day of Religious School, the Brotherhood hosts a picnic for the whole congregation at a local park. The event provides us an opportunity to spend time with old friends, make new friends, and more importantly welcome our new members. Not only is there is plenty of food hot off the grill, drinks, and desserts, but plenty of space to sit in the sun or shade, and for games and running around.
Shabbat Shira
The Sabbath of Song. This is such a joyous occasion at TBT. Our Choir joins the Rabbi to make every song extra special. The celebration includes many traditional favorites, including “The Song of the Sea”, which represents our passing through the Red Sea, as well as a special rendition of Mi Chamocha.
Good Deeds Day
Each spring, we join with congregations and organizations around the world in participating in Good Deeds Day. Joining in this traditional since its founding in 2007 in Israel, we engage in mitzvot (good deeds) as a congregation through activities such as making meals for the hungry, blankets for kids in the hospital, and other community service projects.
Summer Kickoff Havdalah Campfire
A recently added tradition, we join together in June with a campfire, reminiscent of Jewish summer camp, to kick off summer. While relaxing by the fire, we sing songs, grill hot dogs, eat watermelon, and toast marshmallows for s’mores. Children and adults enjoy this time to connect before heading off for summer fun.
Other Events
TBT hosts one grand event a year. While created to be social and fun, these events are fundamentally meant for fundraising. In years past we’ve included murder mysteries, art shows, casino nights, and themed affairs that celebrate specific events and milestones.
In addition to welcoming families to our regular Shabbat services, we also hold several family-specific services during the year. Simchat Torah/Consecration and Chanukah Shabbat begin at 7pm to allow our younger members to attend and still get to bed. During the High Holy Days, we hold a 45-minute family service at 9am on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Day designed for the youngest tots through our older elementary school students.
We also host other family-oriented activities throughout the year:
Torah Tots
Our younger families come together on Sunday mornings for stories, crafts, and snacks. Please see more on this here. Visit our LEARN page for more information.
Family Havdalah Nights
TBT holds family Havdalah night several times each year. In addition to Rabbi Lauren leading a musical Havdalah ceremony marking the separation of Shabbat from the rest of the week, these Saturday evening events include a pizza dinner, games or a craft activity, and fun dessert.
Local Park Play Dates
TBT young families and Rabbi Lauren meet up at local parks to spend time playing together and getting to know each other better throughout the year.