Q:   How will I be greeted by and how should I greet those I meet before and after services?

A:    When you enter the building, you may be welcomed with one of the traditional Sabbath greetings. “Shabbat Shalom,” which means “a peaceful Sabbath,” is the most common, but you may also be greeted with “Good Shabbos,” which means “a good Sabbath.” It is always appropriate to respond with either of these phrases.

Q:    What are the guidelines for acceptable dress during Shabbat services?

A:    TBT has a smart-casual dress code. Please consider the event; your attire should reflect the significance of the event. Attire should always be modest, respectful, and not create a distraction. Traditionally shoulders are covered when on the Bimah , it is our expectation that you will make every effort to do so.

Q:    What should I do with my cell phone?

A:    To honor the sanctity of Shabbat and for respect for the service and fellow congregants, all worshipers must turn off cell phones before entering the Sanctuary.

Q:    Is photography allowed in the Sanctuary?

A:    No photography, including the use of cell phones—regardless of flash, is permitted in the Sanctuary during services. On occasion with prior approval, photos of certain events may be taken after the service’s conclusion.

Q:    During the service, when may I enter or exit the Sanctuary?

A:    Our most reverential times occur when the Ark  doors are open, someone is reading from the Torah  or when the Congregation is standing; please avoid entering or exiting at these times. Other times to avoid entering or exiting are when someone is reading the Mourners’ Kaddish  or when the sermon of d’Var Torah is delivered.

Q:    What is the raised area in the Sanctuary called and are their ritual objects I should be   aware of?

A:    This sacred place called the Bimah. This is where the service is conducted and from where the Torah is read. The Aron Kodesh (Holy Ark) , which houses the Torah scrolls is located on the Bimah. This is the most sacred place in the Sanctuary. Above the Ark hangs       the Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) , which burns constantly as a reminder of G-d’s eternal          presence.

Q:    Do I need a prayer book?

A:    All synagogues provide worshippers with a Siddur (prayer book). TBT uses the “Mishkan T’filah”, the newest Reform Siddur. Mishkhan T’filah contains Hebrew and English, as well as Hebrew transliteration, so those that don’t read Hebrew can follow along when Hebrew is recited/read. In addition to prayers, there is supplemental information which visitors and congregants are encouraged to read and enjoy. Saturday morning services include Torah and Haftarah  readings. During these readings, you may also use “The Torah a Modern Commentary” to follow the Torah and Haftarah readings.

Q:    Should I wear a Kippah ?

A:    Everyone is welcome to wear a kippah. While optional for women, it is customarily worn by men to show reverence to G-d, Kippot (pl.) are provided at the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Q:    Should I wear a Tallit ?

A:    The tradition of wearing a Tallit varies widely within the Reform movement. Jewish worshippers may wear a tallit for morning prayers and during the Holy Days. In Reform Judaism, it is customary for those 13 and older to wear a tallit during any service that includes reading Torah, if they choose to do so.  At TBT, out of respect for the Congregation, it is our custom that Jewish people are required to wear a Tallit if called to the Bimah , to recite the Aliyah (blessings before and after the Torah reading , or at any time a congregant is holding the Torah during a service. A rack of Tallitot (pl.) is available for use by visitors just inside the Sanctuary. Tallitot should never be worn in the restroom (hooks are provided).

Q:     When do I sit or stand?

A:    During the service the Rabbi will announce the page numbers in the prayer book and indicate when you are requested to stand or sit. We highly encourage everyone who is able is to stand when the Ark  is open out of respect to the Torah and our congregation.

Q:    What if I am asked to open the Ark  doors?

A:    The Rabbi will ask the honorees to come to the Bimah  to open the Ark doors. Each honoree will stand next to a door and open when the Rabbi indicates. Please open/close gently as these doors have a tendency to slam. Once the doors are open the Rabbi will prompt you on your next steps. At that time, you will close the doors and take your seat. You are not required to wear a tallit  or kippah  when opening the Ark doors if you are not Jewish. Everyone is welcome to participate in this honor.

Q:    Will I be expected to participate in the service? How will I know what to do?

A:    During Shabbat services, congregants may be called to the Bimah  to assist in the service by blessing the Shabbat candles, opening/closing the Ark doors, holding the Torah for the Mishebeirach , or reciting an Aliyah . These honors are prearranged, and you do not need to be concerned that you might suddenly be invited to the Bimah without warning.

Before the reading of the Torah during the Saturday morning service, there is a procession around the Sanctuary with an honoree holding the Torah scroll. This procession is called the Hakafah .  As the Torah passes, congregants may reach out and touch it with the prayer book or Tallit , conveying reverence for the Torah. Although this is a Jewish custom,    no one is obligated to participate.

If called up for an Aliyah , the Jewish member(s) should begin by kissing the Torah with their Tallit or the Torah belt, prior to reciting the blessing. A transliterated version of the blessing will be available on the Bimah. Following the Torah reading, the Jewish honoree(s) should repeat kissing the Torah before commencing with the blessing. Non-Jews may be included in an Aliyah.

Note: For the honor of lifting the Torah, holding the Torah, leading an Aliyah, or dressing the Torah, the Jewish honoree should wear a tallit and kippah.

Q:    What happens after the Service?

A:    At the conclusion of Shabbat worship, refreshments are served. Before eating or drinking we say blessings over the wine/juice and challah . On Friday evening, this is called an Oneg Shabbat , which literally means “the joy of the Sabbath”. On Saturday morning, it is called the Kiddush , which is named for the blessing over the Sabbath wine. The Oneg and Kiddush are great social opportunities and everyone, members and visitors, are welcome to attend and meet the Rabbi and mingle with members of our Congregation.

Q:    When are Shabbat (Sabbath) services held?

A:    We customarily hold Shabbat services Friday night at 7:30pm B-Mitzvah  services begin at 10:00am and typically start on time. Service times may vary depending on the occasion. Check the TBT calendar of events (link) for details. You may also request to be added to our weekly email list which includes a  schedule of all upcoming services and events.

Q:    Who should I contact if I have questions about these customs?

A:    Contact (link to top of Contact us page) the Rabbi (link directly to email) or a Board member        for answers to these questions.

Q:    I’d like to join Temple Beth Torah. Who should I contact regarding membership?

A:    If you’d like to join TBT or need information regarding membership (link) please contact the membership coordinator (link).

Q:    Are there any other courtesies I need to be aware of?

A:    We ask that you refrain from personal conversations during services to avoid distracting others.


Aliyahblessings before and after a Torah reading. An Aliyah is considered a great honor

Aron KodeshThe holy Ark houses the Torah(s)

B-Mitzvah – Formally known as Bar/Bat Mitzvah (son/daughter of the Commandments) or B’nai (pl.), we use this term to be more inclusive.  This lifecycle event is a special service, led by the student turning 13-years-old, and commemorates not only coming of age but, more importantly, calling them to the Torah for the first time.

Bimah – the raised platform in the Sanctuary from which the Torah is read. In most Reform and some Conservative congregations, this is also where the Rabbi delivers the service.

Challah – the traditional braided bread used to celebrate Shabbat and other Jewish rituals and holidays

Chumash – a printed and bound version of the Torah in both Hebrew and English

D’var Toraha discussion based on the current week’s Torah portion

Haftarah – these are prophetic readings taken from Leviticus. Each weekly reading is meant to be congruous to the current weeks Torah portion.

Hakafahthe procession of the Torah around the Sanctuary

Kiddush – similar to Oneg Shabbat, the Kiddush follows the Saturday morning service. Kiddush is also the blessing over the wine/juice.

Kippah – also known as a Yarmulke (yamakah) or skullcap, the traditional head covering worn to show reverence to G-d. While optional for women, it is customary for men.

Kippot – the plural of Kippah

MiShebeirachThe Jewish prayer for healing

Mourners’ Kaddishprayer praising G-d, recited in support of mourners and in memory of those who have passed away

Oneg Shabbat – light refreshments served following the Friday night service

Shabbat Shalom/Good Shabbos – A peaceful Sabbath/a good Sabbath

Siddur – prayer book

Tallit – traditional Jewish prayer shawl which contains fringes on each corner called Tzitzit, which remind us of G-d’s commandments

Tallitot – the plural of Tallit

TorahOur sacred text containing the five Books of Moses

Tzitzit – fringes at each corner of the Tallit which remind us of G-d’s commandments