Our original mission statement is as true today as when it was first written in 1994. The mission of Temple Beth Torah is to provide a forum for experiencing religious, cultural, and celebratory aspects of Jewish life to Jewish people and families of Jewish people; to offer that experience in a non-dogmatic, non-judgmental, open, egalitarian environment where all members feel comfortable with their diverse beliefs and Jewish heritage; to continue the viability of the Jewish people by providing Jewish education to our children; and to provide our members with a strong sense of Jewish community
Our egalitarian philosophy extends to all aspects of congregational life. From religious services to education to social activities, all members — men and women, singles and families, young and old — are encouraged to participate. Our activities are varied and offer something for everyone.
Temple Beth Torah seeks to provide an opportunity for all members to attend religious services, help keep the member’s children loyal to the faith and customs of Judaism, provide classes to enrich understanding, and provide opportunities for socializing with other Jews apart from the casual meetings before and after services. We seek to provide the opportunity to transform a vague desire for identification into a more meaningful and stronger attachment to Judaism.